Monday, 9 January 2012

Welcome to 2012

Welcome to the 2012 Sew Wat challenge blog! I hope that you all had a delightful Christmas and you’ve eased into 2012 with out too much stress!

Well the holiday’s ended here today with Hubby heading back to work, all of our visitors heading home and reality kicking back in.

 I just thought I write a little note about how the Sew Wat challenge blog came about. In June ’11 I found myself in the $1 section of a 2nd hand store looking around and admiring all the ‘fabric’ I could see, I purchased a bunch of items and set about upcycling a couple of items for my daughters winter wardrobe. I welcomed anyone else to join me in my challenge, and when a few people said they would I decided to make it an official Facebook challenge with voting and a prize. And sew the 
Meredith was the winner of the Upcycle challenge with the following entry. 
Thank you to all the entrants!

The Personal Challenge followed the upcycle,  and then was our unforgettable Christmas and Junior Challenges. I'd like to thank all the entrants and especially Sandy and Louise (from Wrapped in fabric and the Oz Material girls) for their generous donations. Here are the winners of the Christmas Challenge: Kylie Weber,  Katherine Knott  and  Melisa McCarthy

New Year always brings new resolutions and in my case new Challenges! Last year I set myself the challenge of sewing 1 element of every child’s gift that I gave and this was a challenge for me as I hadn’t sat a sewing machine in 18 yrs (give or take a year) here are some of the presents i made

This year I’ve decided that my new challenge will be titled

“I will not sew with any brand new fabric until November” 

sew to brake it down, i will only sew with Recycled fabric, upcycled fabric or fabric from my already extensive stash. I may purchase some 'too good to refuse' bargin fabrics during the year but only if i intend on using these fabrics for christmas presents. 

or maybe you have your own version of this challenge? only buying 'necessary' fabric? only buying fabric after using up a piece from your stash? What ever your challenge for 2012, i wish you all the luck in the world and i'd love to hear all about it! 

I also hope to have you all on board for a couple of new Sew Wat challenges this year!! 

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